Company Information
There are many reasons why you should use Oasis Engineering – here are some important ones!
Oasis is independently owned and operated. The factory is situated only 15 minutes from New Zealand’s biggest port and two hours south of New Zealand’s biggest city, Auckland. This proximity means we can (and do!) keep our promise on delivery times.
Oasis can supply standard products of our own design and customised versions thereof. We also make-to-order customised engineering parts as required.
Oasis is supported by a carefully selected group of suppliers and service companies. These partnerships regularly see us outperforming customer expectations. Our extended team allows us to fill customer needs, be they very short-run batches of items or critical long-term contract for components.
Oasis is ISO9001:2015 certified and our products are tested independently to CRN, CE, ISO15500, Pi, PED, TPED, and other quality assurance programmes.
Product Research & Development is an integral part of Oasis maintaining its leading edge in the world of engineering. Innovations, upgrades and a constant desire to implement the very best, ensures your business is a well oiled machine – in every sense of the word!
Have you heard of Kaizen? Kaizen is a daily process, the purpose of which goes beyond simple productivity improvement. It is also a process that, when done correctly, humanises the workplace, eliminates overly hard work and teaches people how to perform experiments on their work using the scientific method and how to learn to spot and eliminate waste in business processes. In all, the process suggests a humanised approach to workers and to increasing productivity. Since adopting and implementing the Kaizen approach at Oasis, we have increased our productivity and engaged our team in a manner which encourages autonomy, ownership of ideas and increasing the workplace potential of each member.
Oasis Engineering Ltd is a specialist high precision turning and machining factory in the city of Tauranga. The company began as the maintenance division of the Gisborne Oasis soft drink brand but was cut loose during rationalization in the 80s. Moving to the Bay of Plenty we quickly established a strong reputation as a shop that reliably produced close-tolerance machined parts in difficult to work materials: stainless steel and titanium. It was this reputation that saw Oasis selected by Caltex to make the valves and couplings that were needed for a new fuel - compressed natural gas (CNG). Since then Oasis has made parts for every major CNG company supplying projects in every significant CNG market – over 40 countries in all.
At Oasis we aim to provide an optimal customer experience. Click here to meet the team...